Inktober 2019
I have recently completed another month of drawing a piece for the brilliant Inktober.
If you have not heard of it before, Inktober is an Instagram challenge run by illustrator extraordinaire Mr jake Parker and lasts for the month of October. It's all just for fun, and to encourage more people to get drawing . Jake does have a list of prompts (one for each day of the month) which you can follow, but for last year and this year, I have created a large drawing (A1), which I added to each day of October, as I was so inspired by two amazing books by Sylvia Linsteadt - 'The Wild Folk' and 'The Wild Folk Rising' published by Usborne . They are both middle grade fantasy novels and are truly magical. I read them with my daughter, and the writing is so beautiful, it conjured up amazing images in my imagination. They were so vivid, that I had to draw a scene from each book for Inktober 2018 and 2019.
The scene I chose to draw this year is an escape scene. The two heroes of the story , Comfrey and Tin, are running from their captors and to keep them safe, all of the song birds from the forest fly around them to protect them from arrows being shot at them. It is an exciting and dramatic scene, and as soon as I read it , I knew I wanted to draw it.
I hope you enjoy having a look at the illustration. If you are a fellow illustrator, do check out Inktober, and join in next time.