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24 September 2018 10:38

Thinking of You Week is Here!


Welcome to a whole new, wonderful week! I hope, if you're reading this, you have enjoyed a lovely weekend. 

Today sees the start of 'Thinking of You Week' , which is an initiative started 5 years ago by the GCA to encourage people to buy a card (or two!) and send it to some one , just to let them know they're thinking of them. You can never beat 'real post'. You can read more about 'Thinking of You Week' here . I think you'll agree that it's a wonderful idea, and it's such a lovely surprise to get a card in the post 'just because', especially in a time where everything is moving so fast, and it's so easy to send instant messages. If some one has taken the time to choose a card, sit down and write it and pop it in the post, it means an awful lot! 

To celebrate 'Thinking of You Week' I'm going to include one of my 'Thinking of You' gold foiled cards (pictured) with every order placed this week. So, if you place an order, I hope you enjoy your card, and send it to some one special to let them know you're thinking of them. 

Bye for now,

Sarah x